CCRB Assists with Protection of Endangered Steelhead
CCRB is participating in the preparation of a new Biological Opinion for endangered Steelhead with the Bureau of Reclamation.

Lake Cachuma
The capacity of Lake Cachuma is about 192,000 acre-feet. An acre foot is about 43,600 cubic feet, and approximately 326,000 U.S. gallons. One acre foot is about an average family's yearly water use.
Regular CCRB Board meetings are held monthly on the 1st Thursday of the month at 2pm. Special Board meetings may also be scheduled, as needed. CCRB Board meetings are open to the public. Instructions for attending Board meetings in person or electronically by telephone or videoconference are found in the meeting agenda.
Current Board agenda is available here.
An archive of Board agendas, packets, and minutes is available here.